Friday, December 28, 2012

Mina should move.

When hurricane Sandy was making its approach to the East Coast I started listening to broadcasts from public radio in New York. I wanted to know firsthand what was going on. I still listen to them today while I am working on various jobs around the sanctuary.

I regularly make comments to a show called The Take Away. Often they play my recorded messages over the air. All the directors of the sanctuary hope that Mina will someday move to California.

I sent a text to the show today:

The question on the take away today to answer by text was "do you have a loved one or friend who you would like to make a New Year's resolution for. "

My reply:

I have a good friend who lives in New Jersey. She constantly has colds, the flu or sinus problems. She should make the resolution to move to a more temperate climate such as Southern California where if she encounters "New Jersey like" weather she can leave the campsite, drive an hour and a half down the mountain, and head to a warm sunny beach. When she gets tired of sitting by the waves she can drive 20 minutes home.

No person with her fragile constitution should live in a swamp.

Don Scott

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